Tuesday, August 24, 2010


This beautiful 3 tier fondant cake was made with carrot cake and cream cheese filling!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Kennedy's 1st Birthday!!

These ladybug themed cakes, and bites were done for Kennedy's 1st birthday! They turned out so darling (with the exception of some minor issues with the bites)! We made an individual cake for Kennedy so she could really dig in and get messy, which doesn't work so well with fondant. Congrats Kennedy!

It's a girl!

These custom Butterfly Bites and my NEW Baby Bites were made for a baby shower. The bites were in four different flavors, and made after the butterfly decor of her nursery! SOOOO CUTE!

Gigi cake!

This cake was made to look like a Harlequin Great Dane, Gigi. It was for her daughter's 7th birthday, which happens to be the same as their dane! It was a cream cheese chocolate cake, with blackberry cream cheese filling...delicious!