Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Easy peasy lemon squeezy...but with no lemons. This cake was just simple and nice, all she wanted was chocolate cake with buttercream I said, EASY!

Monday, November 1, 2010


This bride put her money where her mouth is...and by that I mean she got a small cake, and then ordered 300 cake bites to serve the guests! She knows how to please the people! Her cake was fantastic too, cream cheese chocolate cake with strawberry cream cheese filling, and cream cheese frosting! (And i love the layered effect on the cake, so cute!)


If you are going to do four tiers, make it count! Each layer was different and delicious: carrot cake with cream cheese filling, german chocolate with bavarian cream filling (and marshmallow frosting), strawberry cake with lemon filling, and a confettie cake with raspberry filling! SOO yummy!